​Meet the ZooLs
(Release​ date September 12, 2023)
Meet the ZooLs introduces the characters that will be involved in many adventures at the zoo with fun, creativity, and wit. Friends like the family of monkey wrenches helps Zed the Zookeeper take care of any mishaps or fixes. Otis the owl reminds his friends to be safe, while Alan and Albert, the alligator clamps, help hold things together. Other “ZooL” friends like Cordell the crane and Betty the “Wheelburro” help to move large and small objects in and around the zoo. Each character is unique to an animal combined with a hand tool to make sure all of the visitors and friends at the zoo are safe.
​A Lyon's Pen
(Release​ date September 29, 2024)
Zed is just clocking in for his afternoon shift as ZooLkeeper when he checks his "to do" board. Lo and behold, there is a new task on his list that will require Zed and the ZooLs' immediate attention. There was an apparent mishap at Lyon's pen, which is soon corrected, with all the ZooLs chipping in to do their part. Learn what led to this project and the process Zed and the ZooLs use to make it happen. The characters come to life with the creativity and thought-provoking storyline.
Both of the books have vivid, colorful illustrations clever play on words will spark imagination and promote and inspire conversations about feelings and what the characters might be thinking. Young children ages three to ten along the adults who share this delightful story with them will discover many other ZooLs that work together with Zed to make the zoo a safe place for everyone.